Thursday, December 4, 2008

Killing in the Name of God

MORALITY AND THE LAW CLXVBy Stephen EllisKILLING IN THE NAME OF GODNobody asked me, but…The recent terrorist attacks in Bombay, India (now called Mumbai) were, in my opinion, a perfect example of the evils of religious beliefs.

Of course, the group behind the India attacks is still, officially, unidentified. This is a little surprising since the attacks had all the earmarks of Al Queda. This is not to suggest that there are not other radical Islamist groups that truly believe that when they get killed, they will be sent to Muhammad’s version of Heaven and be rewarded with twelve virgins to satisfy all their sexual desires and hand feed them grapes.

Don’t laugh! This what millions of radical Islamists believe. This is not written into the Koran, but it is what the radical Islamist Clerics teach their followers.

So, they kill any “infidel” in their way, and they don’t care if they get killed. By the way, an “infidel” is anyone who does not accept Allah as their one God and Muhammad as his only prophet. It is written into the Koran (the Islamic Bible) that all infidels must be exterminated. So, when scholars and other people talk about Islam as a beautiful religion, there is a deep conflict.

This is not to suggest that all followers of Islam are crazed killers. Most Muslims are family people who want their children to grow up and become doctors or lawyers, get married, have children and live at peace with their neighbors. But that’s not what their Bible tells them to do. Their Bible insists they follow every word of it, including bowing down to Mecca six times a day. Many followers of Islam have become educated and don’t take the Koran’s words literally…and sometimes they are punished for it.

The Koran directs that law be construed under Sharia Law…the most barbaric set of laws in the world. i.e. A woman who engages in any sexual relations (not just intercourse) with someone not her husband, shall be buried up to her neck, and stoned to death by her neighbors. This is still enforced in many Islamic nations.

All Bibles contain absurd rules to be followed. i.e. The Jewish Bible (the Old Testament) says that it’s OK to sell your daughter (Exodus 21:7); that anyone who does not observe the Sabbath should be put to death (Exodus 35:2); that anyone who wears glasses to correct a sight defect may not approach the Alter of God (Leviticus 21:20). There is a lot more. Fortunately, most Jews have become educated and live in the real world and not the world of 5,000 years ago. But most Muslims (followers of Islam) have not been educated.

My point is that if you accept the written scriptures of any Bible as being the word of God…you have major problems. Bibles were written by man, not by God.

There is a famous axiom: More people have been killed in the name of God than from all wars combined.

When these radical Muslims attacked the Taj and the Oberoi hotels in Mumbai, they had no purpose…no motive…other than to kill people…of course, in the name of their God. This is the same basic philosophy of Al Queda. Their God justified the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because America is a nation of infidels…and pursuant to the Koran, all infidels must be killed. This is becoming a serious problem because the spread of Islam as a religion is growing. Muslims have just about taken over England with several areas of Great Britain now being controlled by Sharia Law and overriding the Common Law which England gave to the world. Muslims have become a major factor in Europe.

India is a predominantly Hindu population and Islam is a secondary religion… most believers in Islam moved to Pakistan when the two countries were separated in 1957: Pakistan was to be the Islamic State and India the Hindu State.

To me, it’s a shame when any religion breeds hatred for your fellow man rather than love.
As I said…nobody asked me.

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